The Netflix Conundrum is one that's familiar to any cinephile or TV fanatic with access to the online service: there are so many choices that it makes it hard to pick anything at all. Personally, I tend to address this problem by watching the same few television series, over and over again. Typically these are sitcoms, and I put them on in lieu of anxiety medication, or like a kind of security blanket, capable of putting me to sleep at night or getting me out of bed in the morning.
Generally speaking, my drug of choice is 30 Rock.
Seven whole seasons, suitable for day or evening use, and chock-full of jokes that you missed during previous viewings, because you were busy brushing your teeth or trying to decide if you should get dressed, read a book, or play one more game of 2048 on your phone.
Yesterday, I caught a hilarious moment I'd forgotten: narcissist Jenna, nervous, is about to rehearse her first-ever song for America's Kidz Got Singing, the show that's made her infamous as a hater of children's sweet renditions of public-domain tunes. Before raising the mic, she whispers to herself, "This is your moment. The world breathes for you. I love you, myself." Jenna says "I love you" to herself so earnestly that you have to laugh. We know there's no one she loves more. It's her best and worst trait.
For all the narcissists, self-loathers, and anyone in between who might need Jenna's mantra to sing a song, face an interview, or just get those clothes on in the morning, I made this little GIF. Use as needed.