In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of a hobby collector. Well, that's the least flattering way to put it; my preferred phrase is "Renaissance woman." I don't pick up new pastimes and abandon the old ones, willy nilly. New things (often tangentially related to the old things) just get added to the cycle. For example, my aunt asked me this spring if I'd been doing any baking lately. She was just making conversation, and she knew how much I love to bake. But I honestly had to say no; I'd been doing calligraphy, embroidering things, and making picture frames out of books. It hadn't occurred to me that I'd been not-baking. This realization kind o bummed me out, so when I got the chance, I continued my baking studies, and started making bread. Unfortunately, "blogging" has been just a part of the cycle as well. I do it like gangbusters for a while, feel great about it, and then let it slip. I don't think that's really supposed to be what blogging is all about. But I know my nature, so what's to be done about it? Idea! I write about whatever project I've spent the day working on. I think it will actually be pretty interesting. As a document of my lunacy/guru-hood, it will help me keep track of what I've been doing, AND promote/publicize my skills and products, such as they are. Plus, it will help other hobbyists, be they serial like me, or more focused, like, say...Bob Ross as a teenager. Wish me luck!
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